Healthy recipes

Here is a collection of some of my favorite healthy recipes. For the recipes that aren't mine, I have linked up to their original author, all other recipes, unless otherwise indicated, are my creations. Although I have always eaten relatively healthy, my quest continues, as my time to prepare and cook healthy meals shortens. My goal on this page is to post all of the "tried and tested" recipes that were great time savers, cost savers, and health savers! Bon Appetit!

Healthy eating part 1: Breakfast of Champions

Homemade Vanilla extract

Fruit-infused water.. perfect for a quick gathering or hot summer day

Healthy eating part 2: Freezer Meals to the rescue!

Healthier version of an Orange Julius

Homemade Spatzle (not necessarily healthy, but a lot healthier than store bought pasta!)

Jell-o pudding pops 

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